~!*HAPPY 100th POST DAY*!~Yep! Today I'm actually celebrating my 101st post day, but that's because I failed to recognize that my last post was actually my 100th! Oops!My very first post was on
April 17, 2009 (WOW! I'm about to have a 1 year blog anniversary TOO!) I was inspired by my former water aerobics instructor and dear friend,
Shauna. When I wrote my 1st blog entry, I had already lost 30 lbs in just under 11 weeks and decided I was going to start opening my life up to the "blogosphere."
I remember joyfully sharing my first "
5k" experience on the treadmill with my "blog society." My emotional eating &
weight gains were no stranger either. I even made it a
point to introduce and take you all along for some local
charity events. In
August &
September I rallied readers to a few physical challenges and several months later initiated a
water intake challenge that prompted some deep heart stirring. No matter what the situation has been, whether ups, downs, successes or set-backs, I've logged this very personal, real,
relative journey for all the cyber world to read and reflect on. Openly sharing with you my strength which is found in
Christ and making it a point to glorify Him through this because apart from Him I am nothing.
When I rejoiced over milestones, like reaching my
100 lbs lost, this online journal was one of the FIRST to receive the news. When I self-sabotaged and celebrated too much
afterwords, you better believe there were words to be written about that lesson learned as well. Not much has gone "un-noted" here on this blog and I have to say I am thankful to have this tool to look back and remember the experiences.
I remember writing a post titled "
Psychologist" where I light-heartedly suggested J
ESUS and blogging as my therapeutic diagnosis for EVERYTHING. Obviously Jesus alone is my final answer, but blogging is an outlet that allows me to actively do what I am passionate about...WRITE! You cannot beat an absolutely FREE pasttime that captures your attention and stimulates your brain, heart & spirit all at the same time.
As my journey progressed, I began networking and meeting INCREDIBLE people who are travelling a similar roads, I say similar because each is uniquely their own, but there is also a relation that seems to tightly knit each path together. Opening my journey up to the blogging world generated an atmosphere of encouragement and blessed me with some of the most treasured friends I have today.
Not to mention, I was honored by being featured on guest posts of other blogs such as
Tony C Today, Judi Finneran's "
Helping REshape the World,"
Thoughts from a Critically Thinking Nincompoop and had a whole
2-page spread titled
Halfway There in Kansas City Fitness magazine's Dec/Jan issue. In addition to all of this, I got to sit down for dinner at Chili's and chat for hours with the woman (and her mom) who first inspired me to get off the couch and reGAIN my life back by losing weight, Biggest Loser's Season 7 contestant,
Kristin Steede.
To sum it all up, I must say that these past 100 posts are truly footprints that leave a trail of where I've been and give an idea of where I'm going. They tell a story of sunshine and rain, strength and pain. I've enjoyed writing every post and am even more over joyed by the inbox messages I open informing me that I've received a COMMENT! :-) I know there is so much more to share as I continue losing weight on my downhill stretch that feels more like climbing, so please stay tuned and I appreciate all your support, encouragement and yes...COMMENTS that you give.
!!!HERE'S TO 100 MORE POSTS!!!"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step..."
Verse of the Day: (in light of April 15th - TAX DAY)Romans 13:6-7“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”-