Me & Amy's feet on the trolley (what's vacation without flip-flops)
Amy & I (She graduated from Dallas Baptist University)
This REALLY cool salad place in the food court of the mall (it was like the Chipotle of a salad joint)
This incredible house we drove by in the neighborhood George Bush lives in. It was HUGE! This is just the front of the house, it goes back really far too. (I hope it's not illegal to take pics of peoples houses.)
Me, Amy & Ashley
Amy (the graduate) & I @ night on the trolley (Ashley's snoozing on the seat behind us)Dallas, Texas
On Thursday I left for Dallas, TX with a nights stay in Tulsa, OK on the way. It was the PERFECT timing for a mini "road trip" to break away from everyday chaos here. My good friend Ashley and I drove up to witness our friend Amy's graduation from DBU.
Friday night we went out to eat (I had Tilapia, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans w/ unsweet tea). We came back to dangle our feet in the pool & have some R&R time. It was great because the pool has this cool fountain that has this block in the middle of the water you can sit on and although I didn't get "into" the pool, I was in the middle dangling my feet over and enjoying some quiet time in prayer. Later that evening, we toured the city and stopped by Starbucks. We rode on their trolley system which is FREE minus tips. It made for a nice ride as the weather was WONDERFUL. Amy then took us around further downtown to see the "sites." They have this cool outdoor sit-in (like a drive-in) in the middle of all the downtown buildings that kinda resembled the P&L district/NY to me.
Saturday morning I was totally pumped to wake up and take a morning walk in Texas around the campus, which was one of the most beautiful campuses I've stayed on, but to my dismay, I walked out to POURING RAIN! Ah Stink! "There goes that idea..."
Instead of our mornings being ruined, we decided sit by the poolside and do some reading while listening to the rain. Can I just say God is amazing, it was a great time of Bible reading and just enjoying the sound of rain. I wish I had my journal, because it would have made for the perfect poetry writing time.
So I decided to read 1 Timothy and as I was finishing up I read the following passage:
Verse of the Day:
1 Timothy 4:7-8 (NIV)
7Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
I thought it was SO fitting as my original intention of waking up so early was to go out and get in some weekend exercise in hopes of counter-acting some of my weekends "not so good" eating choices, however, due to weather I spent that time reading God's word instead. I came to this scripture and sorta laughed to myself thinking, "God knows what to do in order to get our attentions." YES! Exercise is important, but it can NEVER profit us more than spiritual training. Moreso than any physical exercise we should be equipping our "spirit man" for living life. I've been so caught up with all this "Exercise, competition, eating smart, work, "church,"..." that I haven't really sat down to just relax and have some REAL fellowship with God. I haven't neglected Him or His word but I haven't slowed down to say "this is YOU & ME Jesus, I need some time for just us!" Saturday morning I got some of that "us" time.
Benches outside poolhouse where had quiet reading time
Today (Sunday) we actually walked, YES WALKED, to church for service. "The Potter's House," TD Jakes' church is located a little ways down the street from the campus and if you saw the size of this church, walking was DEFINATELY the better option. I haven't really followed too much of TD Jakes ministry and/or church, however, it was a neat experience. Right when you walk through the sanctuary doors there's a sign reading, "By entering these doors you are consenting to being broadcast on live television and/or having photographs taken." I'm pretty sure we were on TV probably a couple times as the camera man was right in our faces...haha. "The Potter's House," is nothing like my home church, but I had a great time & liberty in worship. I jokingly said to my friend, "if I went to this church every Sunday for a year, I'd lose weight in no time." I thought my church was a lively bunch, they blow us out of the water with energy & excitement. I still bless God for the church family He has blessed me with though, I wouldn't trade em for anything...well..haha, that saying that says, "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick you family," I think that applies with our church families sometimes too, haha, but God has each of us where we are for a reason until He calls us elsewhere. Amen? Amen!
Well, that was my weekend friends...back to what should be a hard-core week granted my injured leg doesn't limit my workouts.
God Bless!
Click here to read my most recent post on abortion. *sigh*
great post Mesha! I really liked your point of remembering to put God first in our lives. I know that when we live a God centered life that we will be able to accomplish our earthy desires. It so easy to get busy with life and push God aside. Thanks for the reminder. love ya
What a great post. I saw TD Jakes at a Joyce Meyer conferece a few years ago. He is GREAT!
I also love Dallas. I have relatives that live there. It is a city I would consider living in.
Your timing on putting God first is perfect. I am in the middle of drafting a post on just that. My conviction about making weight an idol. Your post was confirmation.
thanks honey!!
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