The journey...

Life is in the journey, not the destination, so do what you can and take it one day at a time. Go slow, do it right, and make your changes permanent — then help out others who are where you were.

~Jillian Michaels

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

DAY 2: "Back-Tracking" to work

Late Start: 7:32a
Weather Conditions: 47 F with 12 mph winds
Breakfast: Pink Lady Apple

Okay, so if you find yourself reading this and wondering WHY I'm describing the weather conditions and notating a time it's because as of yesterday I began my "30 day Blogrimage." For 30 days I will be walking to work and withholding my money from what we commonly refer to as "fast food." The only thing fast about the food I'll be eating is the fact that it's in my hands as I'm speedily walking to work! :-)

Last night was a late night because one of my good friends had her baby girl, Jade Emerson. Both Mom & Baby appear to be alright, however, they need to do more blood tests because they believe her water broke Friday night and she was unaware. The amniotic fluid around a baby helps keep the newborn from getting infection so they want to take some extra tests for precaution. My roommate had the honor of standing in the delivery room and taking pictures as she had her C-section. A role she'll never forget and an opportunity that both Baby & Mommy will enjoy years down the road when they've got photo memories of those first moments that are often missed.

Today I kinda got off to a late start but wasn't complaining, just meant I needed to pick up the pace a bit. I got a little over half-way to work: praying, thinking, jamming to my music, THEN at 7:50a (the time I'm supposed to arrive at work) I happen to look down at my phone and noticed I had 2 missed calls and 1 new text message reading "EMERGENCY!" from my roommate.

Apparently she had grabbed my set of keys (I have her spare) last night in our frantic rush to the hospital and when we returned home, we naturally took the keys (mine) out of the ignition, but we didn't realize that HERS were still left in the car. At that time I had to "back track" and rush back home. After jumping in the car, "safely rushing" her to work late (she was supposed to be there before 8 am), THEN taking my godson to school, THEN driving back to work, THEN changing clothes, I was finally able to clock in at 8:22a.

She did walk from her job to mine on her lunch break to pick-up her car so I should be back on track for walking home this evening. The forecast is 72 F with 23 mph'll be nice, but windy.

Hmm...these next 30 days should be VERY interesting.

Verse of the Day:
Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Hey Honey...Looks like your doing well. I miss you. Shauna